Helping you create sustainable, balanced and confident thoughts and habits around food and body image.

Meet Kat

Kat is a Greek Australian Occupational Therapist (Behavioural Therapist) based in New York City. Kat is a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Personal Trainer and Certified Nutritionist. She is currently completing her studies of Medical Neuroscience through Duke University.

Over the past 15 years, Kat has developed successful programmes that have helped clients reduce and/or abstain from overeating. Her programmes have successfully helped clients recover from mild to severe cases of Binge Eating Disorder. Kat works on improving the relationship that athletes and members of the community have with nutrition, training and body image, through her online business - Macros, Muscles & Mindset (MMM).

  • Having experienced and recovered from 7 different Eating Disorders, she is passionate about taking the time to work with someone individually, to help them become the best versions of themselves. She is ardent about incorporating the concepts of Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience into clients therapy and programmes, as a means to help collapse old habits and build positive, new behaviours around nutrition, training and body image.

    Kat was a West Australian State gymnast and competed at a National Level for many years. In her early 20’s, she was crowned Miss Australia and has won multiple titles in natural Bodybuilding competitions during the past decade. Kat has also been competitive in the sports of Powerlifting and CrossFit. During these years, Kat created her company, FitSnax. A Sydney based raw treat company, that focused on nutritious snacks that were additive free, high in protein, and refined sugar free. Kat developed and built this company from ground up and had FitSnax stocked in over 40 cafes Sydney wide. Kat ceased FitSnax production in 2020 due to Covid-19.

    Kat has worked around the world in the Health and Fitness industry as a Coach, Therapist, Wellbeing Consultant and Trainer for over a decade. Her experiences in group fitness, CrossFit coaching and Personal Training have included working in: High Security Women's prisons, on Cruise ships, at World Record breaking events, as well as running workshops and having long term Personal Training clients in Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand and the United States.

    Kat is currently based in Brooklyn, NY, and consults for corporate companies such as Welltech, Godfrey Dadich Partners, Adobe, Google, as well as the Australian National Ice skating team. Kat also frequently appears as a guest on podcasts.


  • Nutrition Coaching

    Need help understanding your nutritional needs? Want to improve your health, wellbeing, body composition, energy and/or performance?

    Get science backed education, individualized programming and long term results by working with Kat on a weekly basis.

  • Behavioural Therapy

    Do you experience periods of over eating? Ever feel guilty about certain foods? Struggle with your body image? Experience dieting phases? Feel like restriction is the only way to results?

    Learn how to collapse these thoughts, cycles and behaviours by working with Kat on a weekly basis. You will have individualized help, interventions and accountability to create sustainable, non restrictive habits that will better your mind and body, and assist you in achieving your goals.

  • Consultations and Seminars

    In need of a guest speaker? Want to educate your team on improving their habits around health, well being and nutrition?

    Kat has been a guest speaker at multiple gyms worldwide and has appeared on panels, podcasts and events for companies such as Adobe and Google. Get in touch to learn more.

  • I have been in and out of binge diets for most of my life and Kat helped me develop stability in my eating habits that resulted in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A part from being knowledgeable about behavioral science and nutrition Kat is a deeply empathetic person that rejoices in her clients success. Kat transformed my relationship to food, which resulted in a boost of confidence, body positivity, and lasting health benefits. Go work with Kat!


  • I've been working with Kat for over a year now and my relationship with food has changed so much since working with her. I didn't even realize how much I had such an unhealthy relationship with food - calling things "good or bad," then binge on the "bad" foods, feel guilty, over course correct with "only good foods" then go into another cycle again. I also travel a lot for work and personal and felt that I was always going to "eat clean when I get home" but realized that's not how I live my life and healthy isn't something you do only when you're home - it's something that can also be upheld when you're away. These are all things I learned while working with Kat and part of my journey with her. I now don't really deprive myself of any foods and am much more in tune with how my body feels. It's still a journey for me and I have weight goals I'd like to reach, but am much more confident about how I'll get there and most importantly....that it's sustainable! Love working with Kat, and highly recommend you do too!


  • Working with Kat has changed the way I think about food, shifting my mindset to see what I eat as fuel for my goals. Her attention to the way we use language to talk about our choices is unique -- always encouraging us to be mindful of positive changes in our habits and progress, and nuanced ways we can keep ourselves on track without falling back into previous patterns. The accountability that working with her provides has been instrumental in helping me reach my goals; I lost 16 pounds, but beyond that, I gained the confidence of knowing I have control over this process, even when those goals might change, which is so empowering.


  • I've been working with Kat for nearly a year and it's been an incredible experience. I feel great. I get to eat more food than ever (like hundreds and hundreds more calories) and I'm still dropping weight. It's been so interesting to learn how to reverse my prior eating habits and properly fuel myself for workouts and normal life.


  • I’ve been working with Kat for almost a year and she has transformed me physically as much as mentally. Pre Kat, I was caught in the loop of eating “healthy” Monday to Friday, saving all my “treats” for the weekend when I would over indulge and then feel bloated and full of guilt, starting the cycle again on Monday morning. Kat has helped re-train my mindset around food and overall approach to eating, teaching me new terms and tools. As a mother to young girls, I wanted to not only show them how strong I was but also provide an environment free of judgement and remove any guilt around food. I am so thankful to have found Kat and look forward to another year together.


  • Through my work with Kat, I feel more confident and in control of my eating and my body composition. She has helped me build habits in such a way that when I make choices regarding my meals, I no longer think “this is what I am suppose to do” and instead embody my habits as my own. I make these choices not because that’s what I am suppose to do but because this is who I am, a person who both enjoys food and nourishes their body. With Kat I have learned to really embrace progress over perfection. I now know that building better habits takes time. It’s more about mindfulness and understanding triggers than eating that cupcake. Kat is a fantastic coach and mentor, always supportive even in the weeks that don’t go as planned. She creates a safe space to talk about deviations that may have happened from week to week and uses them as opportunities to learn more about ourselves and our habits.


  • I didn't know about disordered eating and I certainly didn't recognize that I had many of the symptoms. With Kat's guidance I've been able to recalibrate my relationship with food, eliminate feelings of guilt for eating certain foods, and build a nutrition plan to fuel my workouts. Kat's weekly check-ins and the amazing group on Discord provide daily motivation to keep going!


  • I've witnessed incredible results working with Kat. The numbers I achieved today were the goals I had set for myself years ago, but had given up on because I believed they were unattainable. Kat's program is the real deal, free from any internet nonsense. More importantly, it has restored my relationship with food. I'm not vilifying food or disregarding facts. Instead, I'm appropriately tracking nutrients and calories while allowing myself the grace to understand that perfection every day is not necessary to achieve tangible results. I highly recommend Kat. Working with her is an absolute pleasure. She is a true professional and a delightful person to work with.


  • I've always been skeptical about working with a nutritionist, but having struggled with nutrition/weight throughout my life, clearly whatever I was doing wasn't working. Working with Kat has been one of the best investments I've made. Based on your goals and lifestyle, Kat creates a customized plan that's not restrictive, and frequently checks-in to discuss how things are going and to keep you accountable. Kat is passionate about her work, and beyond creating a plan, she'll educate you on the science of nutrition. Since working with Kat, I've lost 35lbs and improved my body composition.


  • I have worked with Kat for nearly 5 years consistently now and I am living in a totally different body. Kat has totally transformed me. Kat is extremely knowledgeable, she keeps you accountable and always has me in the best condition. Kat also preps me for swimwear and fashion shoot and never fails to have me looking lean and toned. Weekly check ins, follow her nutrition and training programs and I promise you that your results with be extraordinary!


  • Working with Kat was completely different than what I expected working with a 'nutritionist'. Instead of testing my mental fortitude, Kat worked with me to instill habits that were pleasant and easy and reject anything that wasn't sustainable. Kat never forced me to do anything. She simply coached me to do what I already do, but better. I was expecting restriction, rules, and mental struggle. It was nothing like that. Kat is now my Baklava judging buddy (12 critiques and counting).


  • I worked with Kat a couple of years ago initially for a brief time and came back again in September 2022. I'm not even sure where to start in terms of life improvements. They have surpassed so far beyond diet and exercise. I now exercise because I want to show love to my body instead of punishing it due to prior meals. I can now keep snacks in my house without eating them 30 minutes after getting home from the grocery store. I love looking in the mirror now and find that I have started to embrace the parts of my body I once spoke negatively about - my 'gross chubby knees' have turned into my 'cute knees'! I love eating and I don't feel guilt around food anymore nor do I feel restricted. On top of all of that, I'm killing it at work and my confidence is higher than it's ever been. I could not have gotten here without Kat's support, kindness, suggestions, and recommendations!


  • It is so difficult to admit unhealthy eating habits to ourselves, let alone another person. Kat has always been supportive and constructive and not judgmental at all. I would not get coaching from anyone else but her.


  • For most of my life, I thought I could never enjoy food AND have the physique that I wanted - it was always one, or the other. Working with Kat has given me the tools to be able to have the foods that I love while still maintaining a physique that makes me feel good in my clothes. I finally have balance


  • Since reconnecting with Kat and working together over the last year, I can honestly say that my relationship with my body, mind and food is the best it has been in years. Kat’s approaches are sustainable, tailored and flexible, meaning I’m not restricting certain food types and can eat out without guilt. Kat has helped work towards my goals and I’m back to feeling confident in my own skin, I’m so grateful for her ongoing support and coaching.


  • Kat creates a safe space for me to identify patterns that don’t align with my goals and gives me strategies and tools to make better choices that are turning into healthy routines. I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made so far!
